Film Showing and Discussion with Director, Hanna Musleh

The Alternative Information Center and Jaddal Centre showed on Tuesday, May 3, in the Beit Sahour Medical Centre In The Spider's Web . The film showing was followed by a discussion with the local director of the film Hanna Musleh from Bethlehem University .

The film was produced by Al-Haq in order to provide a visual overview of collective punishment as it affects the daily lives of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinians Territories . The documentary tells many stories, but it draws in on those of two women: one from Hebron and the from Nablus . In the Spider's Web documents the relationship between Israeli violations of international law and the social consequences it has for women, many of whom get blamed for their plight. The women share their horrific mainstream media. They share the intimate impact of the measures of intimidation, showing that they have no limits, curfews, checkpoints, house demolitions, and other collective penalties which have had a deadly affect on members of their family including their young children. The 45 min film is in Arabic and subtitled in English.


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